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作者姓名: 刘克强

出版社: 中央编译出版社



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刘克强 男,陕西户县人,文学博士(翻译方向)。红河学院副教授,硕士生导师。曾主持完成国家社科基金项目子项目一项,云南省教育厅项目一项,发表论文三十余篇,出版专著一部。

































1.兄长身边各藏了暗器,只看小生把手捻须为号,兄长便可协力。 (第18回)

(1)Each one of you all, my brothers, must secrete about yourselves some weapon, and the sign will be that when I twist my whiskers you are to move your hands and with all your strength put together you may set to your task.

(2)We must be prepared, and conceal weapons on our bodies.When you see me stroking my mustache you can use your united strength.

(3)You all carry concealed weapons.If I stroke my beard, get in and help him.

(4)We must all carry hidden weapons.Watch me closely, and when I give the signal, by tugging my moustache like this, we will all do our part.

2.张顺爬入后悄,揭起艎板,板刀尚在;悄然拿了,再入船舱里。 (第64回)

(1)Chang Shun went to the back part of the boat and he pulled up the planks of the back of the boat, and the chopping knife was still there.Silently he took it up and went back to the cabin.

(2)Zhang Shun went to the stern, and lifting up a plank took out a knife that was there.He hid himself under the cover of the boat.

(3)Zhang Shun crept to the poop deck and lifted up the boards.The cleaver was still there.He took it and returned to the cabin.

(4)White Eel crawled into the cabin and went straight to the stern and lifted up the loose plank.The knife was still there.He picked it up and returned to the cabin.

3.那“连环马”直赶到水边,乱箭射来,船上却有傍牌遮护,不能损伤。 (第54回)

(1)Then those chained horses could but gallop to the water′s edge and there the horsemen sent scattering arrows out, but because of the wooden covers of the boats, they could not prevail.

(2)When the troops reached the banks they found that their arrows had no effect on these boats which had boards at the sides to protect the men behind.

(3)A platoon of linked cavalry rode right up to the river and showered the craft with arrows, but shields blocked the arrows and no one was hurt.

(4)Having continued the pursuit up to the water′s edge, the linked cavalry set up a barrage of arrows.But the boats were protected by shields, so these caused no casualties.

4.比先时曾学使棒,被我父亲一棒打翻,三四个月将息不起。 (第1回)

(1)When he was learning to fence my father knocked him down so that he was ill three or four months.

(2)At that time he was learning to use the cudgels, and my father hit him, and for three or four months he could not get up from a sick bed.

(3)When he was learning to joust with staves, my father gave him such a drubbing he couldn′t get out of bed for three months.

(4)He has harboured this hatred ever since he was learning the art of the staff and my father flattened him with a blow he was three or four months recovering from.

5.船头上立著一个人,头戴青箬笠,身披绿蓑衣,手里捻著条笔管枪,口里也唱著道: (第18回)

(1)In the bow of this boat a man stood and he wore a broadbrimmed bamboo leaf hat and on his person was a green coat against rain and in his hand a weapon, which he held pointed like a pen, and he sang as he came.

(2)A man was standing in the boat, wearing a bamboo conical hat, and a grass raincoat, and was holding a spear in his hand.He was singing:

(3)The one standing in the bow wore a black straw hat and a green coir cape.In his hand was a spear shaped like a brush pen.He sang this song:

(4)The man in the bow had a blue hat and a green raincoat.In his hand was a short spear.He was singing:

6.高太尉奏道:“此人乃开国之初,河东名将呼延赞嫡派子孙,单名唤个灼字;使两条钢鞭,有万夫不当之勇……” (第53回)

(1)Then Kao said respectfully, "This man is first son of a first son of a warrior famous at the beginning of the dynasty, a man who had a double surname Hu Yien and his name was Chen.This man is named Hu Yien Shu.He uses two brass clubs and ten thousand men cannot prevail against him…"

(2)Marshal Gao Qiu decided to send to Runing Prefecture in Henan province for a famous general named Huyan Zhuo to take charge of the expedition,…

(3)"He is the direct descendant of Huyan Zan, the general from Hedong who won fame at the start of the dynasty.His name is Huyan Zhuo.He wields two steel rods and is a man of peerless courage.…"

(4)Marshal Gao said: "The man I have in mind is from Hedong, and is a direct descendant of General Huyan Zan, who won fame at the founding of the dynasty.His name is Huyan Zhuo.He fights with two steel rods, and his valour is such that a thousand men cannot stand against him.…"

7.次日,混世魔王樊瑞,引项充、李衮,舞牌去迎,不期被丁得孙从肋窝里飞出标叉,正中项充;因此又输一阵。 (第69回)

(1)On the next day King Of The Devils Who Roil Earth, Fan Lui, led out Hsiang Ch′ung and Li Kun and they carried shields and went to meet the enemy.They did not think that Ting Te Sheng would let fly a forked dart from beneath his arm and it pierced Hsiang Ch′ung.Thus again did we lose a battle.

(2)The next day Xiang Chong and two others of our leaders went out to challenge combat, and adjutant Ding Desun came out to fight them, but he threw his threepronged trident, and wounded Xiang Chong in the back.Xiang Chong then retired, and that was our second defeat.

(3)The next day, Fan Rui the Demon King Who Roils the World rode forth with Xiang Chong and Li Gun, who brandished their shields.Unexpectedly, in an underhand pitch, Ding flung his trident and struck Xiang Chong.That was our second failure.

(4)The next day Demon King, EightArmed Ogre and Winged Ghost went out to fight with their whirling shields, but unfortunately the EightArmed Ogre caught one of Scarface′s tridents in the ribs, so we lost that fight too.

8.手下两个副将:一个姓项名充,绰号“八臂哪吒”,能仗一面团牌,牌上插飞刀二十四把,百步取人,无有不中;手中仗一条铁标枪; (第58回)

(1)Beneath him are two lesser chiefs and one is surnamed Hsiang and his name is Ch′ung and his nickname is The Eight Armed Lo Chao, and he can wield a great round shield and into it are thrust twentyfour flying knives.If he plucks out one of these knives there is not one man he misses at a hundred paces, and he holds in his hand also a spear pointed at both ends.

(2)He has two assistants — Xiang Chong and Li Gun, who are famous for throwing knives which would kill men at a hundred paces.

(3)He has two lieutenants: One is called Xiang Chong.His nickname is EightArmed Nezha.He carries a round shield pierced by twentyfour throwing knives.He can hit a man at a hundred paces and never miss.In his hand is an iron javelin.

(4)He has two lieutenants.One is called Xiang Chong, alias the EightArmed Ogre.He carries a collection of twentyfour throwing knives, stuck in a round shield, and wields a steelhafted spear.

9.史进十八般武艺,——矛、锤、弓、弩、铳、鞭、锏、剑、链、挝、斧、钺并戈、戟、牌、棒与枪杈,一一学得精熟。多得王进尽心指教,点拨得件件都有奥妙。 王进见他学得精熟了,自思在此虽好,只是不了;一日,想起来,相辞要上延安府去。 (第1回)

(1)The young man Shih learned well each of the instruments of war.The long spear, the hammer, the repeating bow which can let fly one arrow after another, the rocket, the club, the square club, the doubleedged sword, the chain, the whip, the battle axe, the longhandled battle axe, the small sword, the hooked spear, the shield, the staff, the longsword, the rakelike hook, each kind he learned and Wang Ching put his heart into teaching the young man and he saw to it that all was well learned and when the young man had learned Wang Ching thought to himself, "It is surely pleasant enough here but there is no end to it that is to my advantage." And he went to say farewell and go on to Yien An Fu.

(2)In a little over half a year he had mastered these: ① use of the lance; ② the longhandled mallet; ③ the bow; ④ the crossbow; ⑤ the jingal; ⑥ the iron whip; ⑦ the iron truncheon; ⑧ the twoedged sword; ⑨ the chain; ⑩ the hooks;  the axe;  the battleaxe;  the threepronged spear;  the halberd;  the shield;  the cudgel;  the spear; the rake.He learned these one by one and became proficient.Wang Jin thought that he could not stay there any longer although the conditions were suitable.One day he told them that he wished to leave.

(3)Shi Jin became adapt at the eighteen weapons.Wang Jin put his heart into teaching, explaining the fine points of each.When the young man had mastered the weapons, Wang Jin thought to himself: "Although it′s very pleasant here, I′m not getting anywhere." He wanted to continue on to Yanan.

(4)These are the eighteen weapons: Pike, hammer, bow, crossbow and voulge, flail, broadsword, twohanded sword, mace and bolas, hatchet, guisarme, lance, and halberd, buckler, quarterstaff, trident and rake.So each day, as we are told, Shi Jin looked after Instructor Wang and his mother at the manor, and learnt the weapons.About six months later, then, Shi Jin had covered all the eighteen weapons, learning them all again till he knew them completely.As a result of Wang Jin′s dedicated teaching, his technique in each was excellent.Seeing how well he knew it all, Wang Jin said to himself: "We are very wen off here, but it can′t go on forever," and the day soon came when he decided he must move on to Yanan.

10.依著小人,好生打一条六十二斤的水磨禅杖与师父。 (第3回)

(1)Do as this lowly one thinks best, and we will make you a fine staff of sixtytwo catties, and we will polish it well with stone and water.

(2)I think it would be better to make one of sixtytwo jin, and have it brightly polished.

(3)Take my advice, let me make you a sixtytwo catty Buddhist staff of burnished metal.

(4)May I suggest a sixtytwocatty staff made of finely polished steel?

11.船面上竖立弩楼,另造刬车,摆布放于上。 (第80回)

(1)On deck will be towers for archers, and to these winches and pulleys will be attached.

(2)An archery tower is built on the deck.

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