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作者姓名: 张兴华

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张兴华 山东科技大学教授、硕士生导师。研究专长为英语应用语言学及多媒体网络教学。曾先后承担山东省社科规划项目、省教育厅项目及校级教学科研项目十余项。曾获教育部、山东省、青岛市、山东科技大学十余项教学科研成果奖。主持编著的教材有《英语电影经典片段集锦与鉴赏》、《大学英语写作实用教程》、《大学英语写作技巧与实践》。曾获山东科技大学“十大教书育人楷模”、 “师德标兵”、“教学名师”、“优秀教师”等荣誉称号。


Unit 1  Love and Romance


 Film Recommendations

 Film Focus:Titanic

 Film Clips

 Film and Appreciation:What is A Film? 

 Enjoy Yourself:My Heart Will Go On 

Unit 2Man and Society


 Film Recommendations

 Film Focus:Forrest Gump

 Film Clips

 Film and Appreciation:Film Genres and Its Rating

 Enjoy Yourself:Blowing in the Wind

Unit 3Campus life


 Film Recommendations

 Film Focus:MrHollands Opus

 Film Clips

 Film and Appreciation :International Film Festivals

 Enjoy Yourself:Imagine

Unit 4Business and American Dream


 Film Recommendations

 Film Focus:The Pursuit of Happyness

 Film Clips

 Film and Appreciation:The Academy Awards 

Unit 5WW II and the Fate of the Jews


 Film Recommendations

 Film Focus:Schindlers List

 Film Clips

 Film and Appreciation:Techniques in Film Producing  

Unit 6Mythology


 Film Recommendations

 Film Focus:Troy

 Film Clips

 Film and Appreciation:Seeing A film and Appreciating A film

Unit 7American Western


 Film Recommendations 

 Film Focus:Legends of the Fall 

 Film Clips

 Film and Appreciation:Film Criticism/Review

 Enjoy Yourself:The Ludlows  

Unit 8Biopics


 Film Recommendations

 Film Focus:The Lady

 Film Clips

 Film and Appreciation:National Characteristics of Film

 Enjoy Yourself:Unplayed Piano

Unit 9War and Human Nature


 Film Recommendations

 Film Focus:Gone with the Wind

 Film Clips

 Film and Appreciation:Contemporary and Social Characteristics of Film…

Unit 10Science Fiction and Fantasy


 Film Recommendations 

 Film Focus:Avatar

 Film Clips

 Film and Appreciation:Philosophy and Social Values of Contemporary Films

 Enjoy Yourself:I See You

Unit 11Musical


 Film Recommendations

 Film Focus:The Sound of Music

 Film Clips

 Film and Appreciation:ClosetoLife Style of Contemporary Film

Unit 12The World of Animation


 Film Recommendations

 Film Focus 1:The Lion King

 Film Clips

 Film Focus 2:Shrek

 Film Clips

 Film and Appreciation:Commercialization of Film Industry

 Enjoy Yourself:Can You Feel The Love Tonight?  

Key to the Exercises


Unit OneLove and Romance



Romance films are romantic love stories recorded in visual media for broadcast in theaters and on television that focus on passion, emotion, and the affectionate (充满深情的) romantic involvement of the main characters and the journey that their genuinely strong, true and pure romantic love takes them through dating, courtship (求爱,求婚) or marriage.Romance films make the romantic love story or the search for strong and pure love and romance the main plot focus.Occasionally, romance lovers face obstacles such as finances, physical illness, various forms of discrimination (歧视), psychological restraints (约束) or family that threaten to break their union of love.As in all quite strong, deep, and close romantic relationships, tensions of daytoday life, temptations, and differences in compatibility (一致性,协调性) enter into the plots of romantic films.

Romance films often explore the essential themes of love at first sight, young with  older love (忘年恋), unrequited romantic love (单相思), obsessive love (迷恋), sentimental love (无怨无悔的爱), spiritual love (精神恋), forbidden love/romance, platonic love (柏拉图式恋爱), sexual and passionate love, sacrificial love, explosive and destructive love, and tragic love.Romance films serve as great escapes and fantasies for viewers, especially if the two people finally overcome their difficulties, declare their love, and experience life “happily ever after”, implied by a reunion and final kiss.In romantic television series, the development of such romantic relationships may play out over many episodes, and different characters may become intertwined (相互交织的) in different romantic arcs.

There are quite a lot of films under this title, Waterloo Bridge (1940)《魂断蓝桥》, Casablanca (1942)《卡萨布兰卡》, Love Story (1970)《爱情故事》, Jane Eyre (1944)《简爱》, Ghost (1990)《人鬼情未了》, Pretty Woman (1990)《风月俏佳人》, Sleepless in Seattle (1993) 《西雅图夜未眠》, Legends of the Fall (1994)《燃情岁月》, Sense and Sensibility (1995) 《理智与情感》, Titanic (1997)《泰坦尼克号》,Shakespeare in Love (1998)《萨翁情史》, Youve Got Mail (1998)《网络情缘》, The Notebook (2004)《念念笔记本》, Twilight (2008)《暮光之城》, The Great Gatsby (2013)《了不起的盖茨比》.

Film Recommendations

Waterloo Bridge (1940): On his way to France to fight in World War II, Colonel (上校)

 Roy Cronin stops his cab on Londons Waterloo Bridge and reflects on the past: It is 1914 and air raid sirens screech (发出刺耳的声音) as a group of young girls hurry past, seeking shelter.One drops her purse and Roy helps its owner, Myra Lester, a beautiful ballet dancer, to retrieve it.Roy asks Myra to marry him.Before the ceremony can be performed, however, Roy is called to the front and Myra is fired for her impetuousness (鲁莽,冲动).While waiting, Myra sees a notice about Roys death in the newspaper and faints.When Lady Margaret arrives, Myra cannot tell her the terrible news, and her erratic (飘忽不定的,不规则的) behavior shocks and angers Roys mother, who leaves in disgust.Myra then falls ill and lies close to death from grief.To earn money to cover her friends medical expenses, Kitty drifts into street to be a prostitute (妓女).When Myra recovers, she is touched by her friends sacrifice, and with no desire to live, she, too, becomes a prostitute.One year later, Roy returns to London, and takes Myra home to his family estate in Scotland.Although Myra tries to convince herself that they can be happy, she soon realizes that her past will ruin Roys life and, after confessing (坦白) all to his mother, she runs away.Roy follows, despite Kittys revelations (泄漏,揭露) about Myra, but she eludes (躲避,逃避) him and kills herself by throwing herself in front of an onrushing truck on Waterloo Bridge.

Ghost (1990): Sam Wheat and his fiancée Molly Jensen live in Manhattan.Sam has a high powered job (高强度的工作) at a local bank, and Molly works on ceramic art(陶瓷艺术).Sams friend Carl Bruner also works at the bank.Sam holds the passwords to some of the banks major accounts.While returning home from a movie theater, Sam and Molly are attacked by a mugger (抢劫犯,拦路抢劫者) named Willie Lopez.Sam runs back to Molly to see if shes alright ― but Sam finds himself dead in a devastated (压垮的,崩溃的) Mollys arms, and Sam realizes that he is now a ghost.Sam visits spiritualist (巫师,灵修者) Ona May Brown, who can hear him, but not see him.When Sam convinces (说服) Ona May to talk to Molly, Molly refuses to believe what Ona May says, and Carl tells Molly to have nothing to do with Ona May.Sam follows Carl to Willies apartment, thinking that Carl is about to confront Willie, but instead, Sam watches in shock as Carl chews Willie out for killing Sam.Now Sam and Ona May must protect Molly from both Willie and Carl, who thinks the account passwords are in Mollys home.

The Notebook (2004): An old man in a nursing home rea

ds a story to an old woman each day.The story he reads follows two young lovers named Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun.They met one evening at a carnival (狂欢节) many years ago.Allies parents separate Noah and Allie.They disapprove of Noahs lack of wealth, and move Allie away.After waiting for Noah to write her for several years, Allie meets and becomes engaged to a handsome young soldier n

amed Lon.In a local newspaper, Noahs picture catches Allies eye.He is standing in front of a fully restored, 200yearold home.The article is filled with praise for his accomplishments.Allies heart nearly bursts.The last time she saw this house it was rotted and decaying.She stood enfolded (拥抱) in Noahs arms in the great entryway and listened to his plans to buy and restore this house just the way she wanted it.With her love for Noah still alive, the picture pulls at her heart.She has to go back, see if Noah is okay, and tell him about her marriage.They both think the echo deep in their hearts, the one that has lasted all these years, is not shared by the other.

Sleepless in Seattle (1993): After his wife Maggie passes away, Sam Baldwin and his adolescent (青少年期的) son Jonah relocate from Chicago to Seattle to escape the grief associated with Maggies death.Eighteen months later, Sam is still grieving and cant sleep.Although Jonah misses his mother, he wants his father to get a new wife despite Sam having not even contemplated dating again.On Christmas Eve, Sam, on Jonahs initiative (倡议), ends up pouring his heart out (敞开心扉) on a national radio talk show about his magical and perfect marriage to Maggie, and how much he still misses her.Among the many women who hear Sams story and fall in love with him is Annie Reed, a Baltimore based newspaper writer.She even writes to Sam proposing they meet atop (在……顶上) the Empire State Building (帝国大厦) on Valentines Day.Back in Seattle, Sam has received hundreds of letters from women wanting to meet him.Jonah is excited by one letter in particular from Baltimore and will do whatever he needs to get his father and Annie together.However, old fashioned Sam wants his future love life to be based on meeting a woman the traditional way, and he, in turn, becomes infatuated with (陶醉于) an unknown woman he spots a few times in Seattle.Will magic happen twice in Sams life, and if so will it be with this unknown woman or Annie?

Film Focus:



第一章  以诗为媒庞德与神州

一谈到英美现代诗歌,就一定会谈到庞德。不管对庞德本人的政治观、思想观有何非议的诗人、学者,对他在英美诗歌领域里的贡献大都公认首肯。他在20世纪英美诗歌的门槛上,树起了意象主义大旗,使英美现代诗歌迈开了重要的第一步。他是20世纪英美诗坛“中国诗的发明者”,“对英语世界作出最持久的贡献。”Hugh Kenner,The Pound Ezra.Berkeley: University of California Press,1971, p.192, 96.他的英语诗歌的经典作品、汉诗英译《神州集》,震撼了整个英美诗坛,给诗界带来了从未有过的新鲜气息。正是他,在中国古典诗歌中“找到新的希腊”赵毅衡:《中国如何改变了美国现代诗》,上海译文出版社2003年版,第17-18页。。


美国批评家福特·马道克斯·福特(Ford Madox Ford)称赞,“《神州集》中的诗是至高无上的美……,是英语写成的最美的书……”,并断言,“如果这些诗是原著而非译诗,那么庞德便是当今最伟大的诗人”。赵毅衡:《远游的诗神》,四川人民出版社1985年版,第12-14页。美国学院派批评家爱德华·加尼特(Edward Garnet)著文称道庞德:“中国诗是他最出色的作品。”就连与他本人不和的美国诗人肯尼斯·雷克斯洛斯(Kenneth Rexroth)也叹服《神州集》是“二十世纪美国最佳的一打左右诗之一”。不少学者还认为,《神州集》“至少可以与《诗章》并列作为庞德诗歌生涯前后两个阶段的高峰”同上。。这些热情洋溢的称赞,说明这本小小的、充满中国魔力的译诗,对庞德,对20世纪美国诗歌,甚至对整个20世纪英语世界都有着不容忽视的重要性。这就迫使我们去探讨庞德和古老神州大地有着怎样的、不可分割的联系。



欧内斯特·费诺罗莎(Ernest Fenollosa)是一位美国的东方学家。他跟随一位日本学者学习中国诗歌,记下了150首中国古典诗歌笔记,并附有英语解释。费诺罗莎于1908年去世,其笔记由他的夫人收藏。费夫人在1913年读到了庞德的一首小诗“扇——致陛下”:“哦,白绸的扇。/洁白如草叶上的白露/你也被搁在一边。”读后,她认为找到了能继承自己丈夫事业的人。于是,在1913年底,她就把丈夫的遗稿和笔记寄给了当时远在伦敦的庞德,后来,费诺罗莎的译稿《作为诗歌媒介的中国文字》也被庞德于1920年整理翻译出版。



庞德在1913年6月6日《我是怎样起步》一文中谈到,翻译诗作所应把握的自然是诗中“无法毁坏”的那部分,而不是细微的枝节、文字的前后顺序等外在的问题。如果原文独有的“效果”无法重现,一位兼是诗人的译者自然可以舍直译而去刻意经营一个相似的效果。智量主编:《比较文学三百篇》,上海译文出版社1990年版,第339页。例如,常被人们认为是误译了的李白的“惊沙乱海日”和“荒城空大漠”,庞德的译诗分别为:“Surprised,Desert turmoil Sea sun” (惊奇,沙漠的混乱和大海的太阳);“Desolate castle, the sky, the wide desert.”赵毅衡:《远游的诗神》,四川人民出版社1985年版,第228页。(古堡,苍穹,荒漠)。

诚然,庞德误译了。可读者读译文时,有时会被这新奇又充满诗意的文字所打动而忘却其他,就像亚历山大(Michael Alexander)所说:“与其他译诗不同,它们(《神州集》)是生动而美丽的,它们读起来像诗,它们能打动读者。”Micheal Alexander, The Poetic Achievement of Ezra Pound. University of California Press, 1979,p. 99.


《神州集》受到如此的欢迎,不只是因为庞德天才的翻译,还因为《神州集》给西方人呈现了一个古老而美好神秘的东方世界,是因为其东方情调。那儿的池塘秋月、玉阶怨妇、战马啸啸……让英美读者觉得新鲜。当时正处于战争状态的欧美人民,需要一种平和淡雅的格调来调节他们紧张的神经。《神州集》像是一首清新的牧歌,使他们得到一种感官上的享受。不过,这种感官上的享受是肤浅的,让他们内心触动的,也许是埋藏在平和而冲淡的中国古诗中深深的“愁”。“玲珑秋月”——怨妇之愁,“浮云落日”——游子之愁。还有思家之愁,羁客之愁,离别之愁……。正如美国作家康拉德·艾肯(Conrad Aiken)所说,中国诗表现“无可奈何的哀愁,荣华富贵如过眼烟云之愁,离乡背井思家之愁,暮年孤独之愁”赵毅衡:《远游的诗神》,四川人民出版社,第228页。。“愁”这一主题是人类共鸣而又符合动荡不安时代欧美人民的心理。他们的诗也写愁,但大多是个人无力的呻吟,而中国古诗,常把愁和大自然的残花落叶、秋风冷月连在一起,是一种自然与人类的同悲同愁。



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